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Mint Terms
Mint terms may be defined to specify how a relic is minted after launch. Let’s explore some basic options without covering every detail.
Number of tokens per mint.
Max number of mints.
Block cap
Max number of mints per block.
TX cap
Max number of mints per transaction.
Unmint cap
Max number of unmints.
Price per mint in $MBTC.
Initial supply of quote tokens when liquidity pool is created.
Swap height
Swaps allowed only once swap height is reached.
Bonding curve
If set, price will be determined according to a formula
Unmints are essentially swaps back into $MBTC that occur before tokens are fully minted. Unmints are disabled for boosted mints.
Manifest provides a way to manage allowlists on-chain. CSV files containing addresses and mint caps are inscribed and connected to a relic, allowing only certain people to mint. Manifest can be inscribed in trees, and manifests can be fused by referencing them as left and right parents.
Boost Terms
One additional feature of relics is boosted mints. When a relic is deployed with boost terms, users have a chance to receive a multiplier on their mint amounts based on randomness. The block hash is used as a seed here. Boost terms can be controlled as follows:
Rare chance
Chance to get a rare mint in ppm.
Rare multiplier
Mint amount will be multiplied by this.
Ultra rare chance
Chance to get an ultra rare mint in ppm.
Ultra rare multiplier
Mint amount will be multiplied by this.
Last updated